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California P&C Legislative Summary: 2023 End of Session

October 21, 2023

The California legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom have completed their work on legislation introduced in the 2023 legislative session. This briefing provides an overview of the new laws pertaining to several crucial areas that may impact property, liability, and workers' compensation insurance programs, including:

  • Child Sexual Abuse and Assault
  • Employer Background Checks
  • Employment Hiring Practices and Discrimination
  • Employee Safety
  • Employment Leaves of Absences
  • Government Transparency
  • Gun Regulation
  • Opioids and Other Drugs
  • Pupil Safety
  • School Facilities and Transportation
  • School Staff Training
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Youth Athletics

Unless otherwise noted, all the bills signed will go into effect on January 1, 2024.

Child Sex Abuse

AB 452 – (Addis) Childhood Sexual Assault: Statute of Limitation

This bill amends Code of Civil Procedure 340.1 and eliminates the statute of limitation for commencing an action to recover damages suffered because of childhood sexual assault for incidents occurring on and after January 1, 2024. However, if the plaintiff is 40 years of age or older, they are still required to file a certificate of merit executed by the plaintiff's attorney and licensed mental health practitioner, who is not and has not treated, the plaintiff. The current statute of limitation for filing a claim is within 22 years of the date the plaintiff reaches 18 years old or within 5 years of the date the plaintiff discovers or reasonably should have discovered the psychological injury or illness, will still apply for incidents that occur on or before December 31, 2023.

SB 558 (Rubio) Civil Actions: – Childhood Sexual Abuse

This bill extends the statute of limitation for an action to be commenced within 22 years of the date the plaintiff turns 18 years old, or within 10 years of the date the plaintiff discovers or reasonably should have discovered the existence of the obscene matter, whichever is later, for an action of sexual assault, that occur before January 1, 2024, of knowingly publishing, possessing, producing, developing, or distributing material depicting a person under the age of 18 engaging or simulating sexual conduct as defined by Penal Code section 311.4(d), which includes acts such as simulated or actual intercourse, lewd or lascivious acts among other actions, whether performed alone or between members of the same or opposite sex.

For additional details regarding AB 452 and SB 558, please read our October 2023 client briefing available on P&C Bridge or

Employer Background Checks

SB 88 – (Skinner) Pupil Transportation: Driver Qualifications

This bill establishes requirements for drivers, whether employed or contracted by an LEA, or an entity with funding from an LEA that provides school-related transportation services to students, to include: passing a criminal background check, including fingerprint clearance, and having a satisfactory driving record, complying with specified drug and alcohol testing, clearing a tuberculosis risk assessment, complete student transportation training, maintaining daily log sheets and daily pre-trip inspections, and complete a specified first aid training. The bill also requires any vehicle used to be inspected every 12 months or every 50,000 miles and be equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher; there are also other specified requirements and exemptions. The bill becomes operative on July 1, 2025, unless a contract exists that was entered into before January 1, 2023, then it will not become operative until that contract expires.

SB 531 (Bogh) Pupil Safety: Local Educational Agency Contractors: Background Checks

This bill exempts an employee of any entity that has a contract with an LEA and that offers work experience opportunities for students or workplace placements as part of a student's individualized education program, from requiring a valid criminal record summary if certain requirements are met, including that at least one adult employee in the workplace during the student's work hours, who has direct contact with the student and has been designated by the employer as the employee of record who is responsible for the safety of the student has a valid criminal records summary and the students' parents or guardians has signed a consent form regarding the pupil's work placement. The bill would take effect immediately as an urgent statute.

Employment Hiring Practices And Discrimination

AB 1722 (Dahle, Megan) Pupil Health: Credentialed School Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Licensed Vocational Nurses

Current law requires a school nurse to be currently licensed as a registered nurse and to have met the minimum requirements for credentials in school nursing. This bill allows a licensed vocational nurse (LVN) to be hired by an LEA as a school nurse if certain requirements are met and is supervised by a credentialed school nurse.

SB 497 – (Smallwood-Guevas) Protected Employee Conduct

Current law prohibits a person from discharging an employee or in any manner discriminating, retaliating, or taking any adverse action against any employee or application because the employee or applicant is engaged in protected conduct. As such, the employee shall be entitled to reinstatement and reimbursement for lost wages and benefits in a prevailing retaliation claim. This bill establishes a rebuttable presumption in favor of the employee's claim if an employer takes any action against an employee within 90 days for invoking or assisting in the enforcement of specified labor law provisions. In addition to other remedies, an employer is liable for a civil penalty not exceeding $10,000 per employee for each violation, including whistleblower protections penalties.

SB 791 – (McGuire) Postsecondary Education: Academic and Administrative Employees: Disclosure of Sexual Harassment

This bill requires the governing board of a community college district and the Trustees of the California State University, and requests the Regents of the University of California, to require as part of the application process to an academic or administrative position, that the applicant disclose any final administrative or judicial decision determining that the applicant committed sexual harassment, issued within the last seven years. However, the governing boards would be prohibited from asking an applicant to disclose, orally or in writing, information concerning any final administrative decision or final judicial decision, until it has been determined that the applicant meets the minimum employment qualifications stated in the notice issued for the position.

Employee Safety

SB 428 – (Blakespear) Temporary Restraining Orders and Protective Orders: Employee Harassment

This bill authorizes any employer whose employee has suffered harassment, to seek a temporary restraining order (TRO) on behalf of the employee and other employees upon showing clear and convincing evidence that an employee has suffered harassment, great and irreparable harm would result to an employee, and that the respondent action served no legitimate purpose. The bill would become operative on January 1, 2025, and additional language would be added if SB 553 becomes operative.

SB 553 – (Cortese) Occupational Safety: Workplace Violence: Restraining Orders and Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

Starting on January 1, 2025, this bill includes a union representative of an employee to seek a temporary restraining order ("TRO") on behalf of employees at the workplace who have suffered unlawful violence or a credible threat of violence from any individual. The employee is given the opportunity to decline to be named in the TRO; if the employee is not named, the employer or union representative is not barred from seeking the TRO. Furthermore, the bill requires an employer to establish, implement, and maintain, at all times in all work areas, an effective workplace violence prevention plan containing specific information. Including a requirement that the employer record information in a violent incident log for every workplace violence incident and requires the employer to provide effective training to employees on the workplace violence prevention plan, among other things, and provide additional training when a new or previously unrecognized workplace violence hazard has been identified and when changes are made to the plan. The creation and training of the workplace violence prevention plan is to become operative on and after July 1, 2024. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health is required to enforce the workplace violence prevention plan and related requirements by issuing citations and a notice of a civil penalty. A failure to include the workplace violence prevention plan as part of their effective injury prevention program may result in a misdemeanor violation.

Employment Leaves of Absences

AB 472 – (Wicks) Classified School District and Community College Employees: Compulsory Leaves of Absence: Compensation

This bill requires community college districts to pay a classified employee their full compensation upon returning to service for the district from an involuntary leave of absence following a finding in favor of the employee for charges of a criminal offense, a criminal investigation, or job-related administrative determinations.

SB 616 – (Gonzalez) Sick Days: Paid Sick Days Accrual and Use

This bill increases the three days of paid sick leave afforded to employees to 5 days and increases the cap that employers can place on paid sick days from 6 days to 10 days and 48 hours to 80 hours, increasing the number of paid sick days an employee can roll over to the next year from 3 days to 5 days. It also extends procedural and anti-retaliation provisions in existing paid sick leave law to employees covered by a valid CBA.

SB 848 – (Rubio) Employment Leave for Reproductive Loss

This bill makes it unlawful for an employer to refuse to grant a request by an eligible employee to take up to 5-days of reproductive loss leave following a reproductive loss event. The leave is to be taken within 30 months of the event. If the employee experiences more than one reproductive loss within a 12-month period, the employer is not obligated to grant a total amount of reproductive loss leave time in excess of 20 days within a 12-month period. The reproductive loss may be unpaid but would authorize the employee to use other leave balances available to the employee, including paid sick leave. It is unlawful for the employer to retaliate against the employee because of the employee's right to use reproductive loss leave, nor is it required to give information or testimony to the employer regarding the leave. Where reproductive loss means a failed adoption, failed surrogacy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or unsuccessful assisted reproduction.

Government Transparency

AB 334 – (Rubio) Public Contracts: Conflicts of Interest

This bill establishes that an independent contractor, who meets specified requirements, is not an officer for purposes of being subject to the prohibition on being financially interested in a contract. The independent contractor is allowed to enter into a contract for a later phase of the same project if the independent contractor did not engage in or advise on making the subsequent contract.

AB 557 – (Hart) Open Meetings: Local Agencies: Teleconferences

This bill revises the authority of a legislative body to hold a teleconference meeting under abbreviated procedures when a declared state of emergency is in effect. This bill extends the authority indefinitely in circumstances where the legislative body (1) meets for the purposes of determining whether, because of the state of emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees, or (2) has previously made that determination. The period for a legislative body to make the above-mentioned findings to a continuing state of emergency is no later than 45 days after the first teleconferenced meeting and a finding for a continued state of emergency is to take place every 45 days thereafter, to continue meeting under the abbreviated procedures.

AB 721 – (Valencia) School Districts: Budgets: Public Hearings: Notice

On January 1, 2027, the requirement to publish the dates and locations at which a proposed budget may be inspected by the public, along with the date, time, and location of the public hearing on the proposed budget, to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district, or if no newspaper of general circulation in the school district, in any newspaper of general circulation in the county, at least 3 days before the availability of the proposed budget, would be repealed and instead require the information to be posted prominently on the homepage of the school districts website at least 3-days before the availability of the proposed budget for public inspection.

SB 494 – (Newman) School Governing Boards: Meetings: School District Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents: Termination

This bill prohibits the governing board of a school district from taking action to terminate a superintendent or assistant superintendent without cause, at a special or emergency meeting of the governing board or within 30 days after the first convening of the governing board after an election at which one or more members of the governing board are elected or recalled, as provided. To terminate the superintendent or assistant superintendent, the bill authorizes the governing board to hold a regular meeting during any month in which a regular meeting of the governing board is not scheduled.

SB 544 – (Laird) Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act: Teleconferencing

This bill would enact additional, alternative set of provisions under which a state body may hold a meeting by teleconference. The bill requires at least one member of the state body to be physically present at each teleconference location, which is defined as a physical location that is accessible to the public and from which members of the public may participate in the meeting. It authorizes a member of the legislative body to participate from a remote location, which is not required to be accessible to the public and which the bill would prohibit the notice and agenda from disclosing. Specifically, it would authorize remote participation if the other members who are physically present at the same teleconference location constitute a majority. A member would also be authorized for remote participation if the member has a need related to a disability and notifies the state body; the member would be counted towards the majority of members required to be physically present at the same teleconference location. The bill also requires the members of the legislative body to appear on camera during the open portion of a meeting that is publicly accessible via the internet or other online platforms unless appearance would be technologically impracticable along with other requirements.

Gun Regulation

SB 2 – (Portantino) Firearms

This bill requires the licensing authority to issue or renew a gun license if the applicant is not disqualified and is at least 21 years of age. The good character and good cause requirements from the issuance criteria would be removed. The training requirements to acquire a license would be no less than 16 hours in length and would include additional subjects to the course, including safe storage and legal transportation of the firearms. This bill revises the exception for a person who has a valid concealed carry license to permit them to carry a specified firearm in an area that is not within any building, real property, or parking area under the control of a public or private school, or a street or sidewalk immediately adjacent to a building.

Opioids and Other Drugs

AB 461 – (Ramos) Student Safety: Fentanyl Test Strips

This bill requires the governing board of each community college district and the Trustees of California State University to provide information about the use and location of fentanyl test strips as part of established campus orientations and to notify students of the presence and location of fentanyl test strips. It also requires each campus health center to stock and distribute fentanyl test strips.

AB 1166 – (Bains) Liability for Opioid Antagonist Administration

Current law provides that a person who, in good faith and who is not compensated, renders emergency or non-medical care or assistance at the scene of an emergency is not liable for civil damages resulting from an act or omission unless the act was done with gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. This bill extended the qualified immunity to those administering emergency opioid antagonists.

AB 1283 – (Chen) Pupil Health: Emergency Stock Albuterol Inhalers

This bill authorizes an LEA to make emergency stock albuterol inhalers available at school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools and authorizes school nurses or trained personnel who have volunteered to administer an albuterol inhaler to persons suffering from, or reasonably believed to be suffering from respiratory distress. The bill further prohibits an LEA that elects to utilize stock albuterol inhalers for emergency aid from being liable for civil damages. The minimum standards of training for the administration of stock albuterol inhalers are to be posted on the State Department of Education's website, and every 5 years or sooner, the standards are to be reviewed.

AB 1651 – (Sanchez) Pupil health: Emergency Medical Care: Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

Current law requires school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to provide emergency epinephrine auto-injectors to school nurses or trained volunteer personnel and authorizes school nurses and trained personnel to use epinephrine auto-injectors to provide emergency medical aid. This bill requires school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools, to among other things, store those emergency epinephrine auto-injectors in an accessible location upon need for emergency use and include that location in specified annual notices. The definition of "volunteer" and "trained personnel" is to include the holder of an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate pursuant to Ed. Code. § 44258.7

SB 10 – (Cortese) Pupil Health: Opioid Overdose Prevention and Treatment: Melanie's Law

This bill would encourage county offices of education to establish a County Working Group on Fentanyl Education in schools for outreach, awareness, and collaboration with local health agencies regarding fentanyl overdoses and maintain on its Internet website informational material containing awareness and safety advice for students on how to prevent an opioid overdose. It would additionally require a comprehensive school safety plan, and the school safety plan of a charter school, for a school serving students in any grades 7 to 12 to include the development of a protocol in the event a pupil is suffering or is reasonably believed to be suffering from an opioid overdose. It would be the intent of the Legislature that schools use alternatives to a referral of a student to a law enforcement agency in response to an incident involving the student's misuse of an opioid, to the extent it does not conflict with any other law requiring that referral.

SB 234 – (Portantino) Opioid Antagonists: Stadiums, Concert Venues, and Amusement Parks

This bill would require each stadium, concert venue, and amusement park to maintain unexpired doses of naloxone hydrochloride or any other opioid antagonist on its premises at all times and ensure that at least 2 employees are aware of the location of the opioid antagonist. The bill exempts a person and the stadium, concert venue, or amusement park, its employees, or owning entity, from civil or criminal liability, other than an act or omission constituting gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

Pupil Safety

AB 659 – (Aguiar-Curry) Cancer Prevention Act

This bill declares that students are advised to adhere to current immunization guidelines regarding full human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization before admission or advancement to the 8th grade of any private or public elementary or secondary school. Upon entering the 6th grade, a notification containing a statement advising that the student adheres to HPV immunization guidelines before entering into the 8th grade is required. The bill also declares the public policy of the state that students who are 26 years of age or younger are advised to adhere to current immunization guidelines regarding full HPV immunization before first time enrolling at a higher education institution.

The bill also requires a health care service plan contract, or disability insurance policy that provides coverage for hospital, medical, or surgical benefits, issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2024, to provide coverage without cost sharing for the HPV vaccine for person for whom the vaccine is FDA approved.

AB 889 – (Patterson) Pupil Safety: Parental Notification: Synthetic Drugs

This bill requires a school district, county office of education, and charter school to inform parents of the dangers associated with using synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl, that can be found in counterfeit pills at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of the regular school term. The notification may be provided to parents pursuant to Section 48980 of the Educational Code. Furthermore, the LEA is to post the information on their website and is to ensure that each individual school within the LEA also post the information on its website.

AB 1138 – (Weber) Postsecondary Education: Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Prevention Medical Examinations Transportation Services

The bill requires the governing board of each community college district, Trustees of the California State University, the Regents of the University of California, and governing boards of independent postsecondary institutions, as a condition of receiving state funds for student financial assistance, the extent feasible, that a student who seeks support after experiencing sexual violence receives information about their options and rights to obtain a sexual assault forensic medical examination and starting with the 25-26 school year, and to the extent practicable and necessary, to provide their students, without charge and in a manner that protects the students' identity, transportation to and from a local Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) or Sexual Abuse Response Team (SART) exam center for a qualified health care provider to administer the sexual assault forensic medical evidence kit. As a condition of continuing to receive state financial assistance, the bill requires the trustees and regents on or before June 30, 2026, and biennially thereafter to submit reports to the Legislature on whether they have provided transportation for students to and from a local SAFE or SART exam center.

AB 1445 – (Arambula) The Neng Thao Drowning Prevention Safety Act

This bill authorizes specified organizations to provide informational materials to a public school regarding specified topics relating to drowning prevention. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, upon receipt of the informational material, a public school may provide the material to parents, legal guardians, or caregivers at the time the pupil enrolls at the school and at the beginning of each school year.

AB 1466 – (Weber) Pupil Discipline: Restraint and Seclusion: Reporting

This bill requires each LEA, as specified by federal law, to post the same data that LEAs are currently required to share with the California Department of Education (CDE) on their website related to restraint and seclusion.

SB 323 – (Portantino) Comprehensive School Safety Plans: Individualized Safety Plans

This bill requires that the comprehensive school safety plans include adaptions consistent with the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The safety plan is to be reviewed annually to ensure the safety plan includes appropriate adaptations for students with disabilities. The bill also authorizes any student, employee, or parent to bring concerns about an individual student's ability to access emergency measures described in the comprehensive school safety plan to the principal. If there is a merit for concern, the principal is to direct the school site council to make appropriate modifications to the safety plan as part of the annual evaluation process. Any deliberations related to individual students with disabilities are subject to applicable state and federal laws regarding the privacy of student information.

SB 671 – (Portantino) School Safety Plans: Dangerous, Violent, or Unlawful Activities

This bill requires a comprehensive school safety plan, and the school safety plan of a charter school, to include procedures to assess and respond to reports of any dangerous, violent, or unlawful activity that is being conducted or threatened to be conducted at the school, at an activity sponsored by the school, or on a school bus serving the school.

School Facilities and Transportation

AB 70 – (Rodriguez) Emergency Response: Trauma Kits

Current law requires the person or entity responsible for managing the building, facility, and tenants of certain occupied structures, including those owned by a local government entity constructed on or after January 1, 2023, to acquire and place at least 6 trauma kits on the premises. This bill would apply the trauma kit requirements to certain structures that are constructed prior to January 1, 2023, and subject to modifications, renovations, or improvements.

AB 230 – (Reyes) Menstrual Products: Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021

Current law requires public schools that maintain any combination of classes from grades 6 to 12 to stock the school's restrooms with an adequate supply of free menstrual products, free of cost, in all women's restrooms and all-gender restrooms and in at least one men's restroom. This bill extends these requirements to apply to public schools maintaining any combination of classes from grades 3 to 12.

AB 579 – (Ting) Schoolbuses: Zero-Emission Vehicles

This bill would require, starting January 1, 2035, 100% of all newly purchased or contracted schoolbuses of a school district, county office of education, or charter school to be zero-emissions vehicles (ZEV), where feasible. To comply with the requirement, LEAs can request a one-time extension for a term not to exceed 5 years if an LEA determines that the purchase or contracting of a ZEV school bus is not feasible due to both terrain and route constraints. Starting on January 1, 2040, frontier LEAs, as defined, can apply for annual extensions through January 1, 2045, if the purchasing or contracting of ZEV schoolbuses is not feasible due to both terrain and route constraints, provided that certain conditions are met.

AB 1023 – (Papan) California Cybersecurity Integration Center: School Cybersecurity

Current law requires the Office of Emergency Services to establish and lead the California Cybersecurity Integration Center (Cal-CSIC), to be composed of representatives from specified organizations with the primary mission to reduce the likelihood and severity of cyber incidents that could damage California's economy, critical infrastructure, or public and private sector computer networks. This bill would require Cal-CSIC to include representatives from the State Department of Education. Cal-CSIC is also required to coordinate information sharing, including cyber threat information, with school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools.

AB 1151 – (McKinnor) Community Colleges: Civic Centers: Uses: Insurance

This bill provides that a civic center at each and every community college within the state is authorized by the governing board of a community college district to authorize the use, by the community and organizations, of a civic center or other properties under the control of the governing board, and would further authorize the CCD to grant without charge, except where provided, the use of those facilities, when alternative location is not available, to nonprofit organizations and clubs and associations organized for athletic activities for youth, charitable purposes, educational purposes, or the civic wellbeing of the community. The bill would require the CCD to give priority access to the facilities' organizations, clubs, and associations that serve people from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities. Lastly, the bill authorizes the governing board of a CCD to require a certificate of insurance for the grant or use of any purpose and raise the minimum coverage amount to $1,000,000, up from $300,000.

SB 760 – (Newman) School Facilities: All-Gender Restrooms

This bill authorizes, as part of the modernization project, an all=gender restroom designed exclusively for pupil use for specified school sites, as applicable to projects that are submitted for approval on or after July 1, 2026. The bill would require on or before July 1, 2026, each LEA, maintaining a combination of classes from grades 1 to 12, to maintain at least one all-gender restroom for voluntary pupil use at each of its school sites that meet specified criteria. Lastly, the bill revises the reasons as to why a restroom can be temporarily closed to instead be necessary for a documented pupil safety concern, an immediate threat to pupil safety, or to repair the restroom.

School Staff Training

AB 5 – (Zbur) The Safe and Supportive Schools Act

This bill requires the State Department of Education to finalize the development of an online training delivery platform and training curriculum to support LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for teachers and other certificated employees, on or before July 1, 2025. Each LEA is to provide and require at least one hour of training annually to all certificated staff, starting with the 2025-2026 school year through the 2029 -2030 school year. The LEA is to maintain records and documents on the completion of the training by each employee.

AB 10 – (Lowenthal) Pupils: Body Shaming Model Policy and Resources

This bill requires the State Department of Education to develop and post on its website a model policy and resources about body shaming, on or before June 30, 2025. It also encourages school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to inform teachers, staff, parents, and pupils about those resources.

Workers' Compensation

AB 621 – (Irwin) Workers' Compensation: Special Death Benefit

This bill allows the surviving spouse and dependent children of specific state safety members, peace officers, and CAL FIRE fighters who are killed in the line of duty to receive both the worker's compensation death benefit and the PERS special death benefit. The bill would apply retroactively for injuries that have not previously been claimed or resolved.

SB 623 – (Laird) Workers' Compensation

This bill extends the sunset date for PTSD injuries for certain state and local firefighting personnel and peace officers, from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2029, and would require the CHSWC to submit reports to the Legislature analyzing the effectiveness of the presumption and a review of claims filed by specified types of employees, not included in the presumption such as public safety dispatchers.

Youth Athletics

AB 245 – (McKinnor) High School Athletics: California High School Coaching Education and Training Program: Emergency Action Plan

This bill revises and recasts the California High School Coaching Education and Training Program's requirements for training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid by July 1, 2024, requiring training in recognizing and responding to the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest and adds a certification in the use of an AED to the training component of that program. Furthermore, by July 1, 2024, a school's emergency action plan is to include a description of the manner and frequency at which the procedures are to be followed in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies related to the athletic program's activities or events will be rehearsed.

AB 1467 – (Alanis) Nevaeh Youth Sports Safety Act

This bill requires a youth sports organization that elects to offer an athletic program to ensure the athletes have access to an AED during any official practice or match, starting on January 1, 2027. If the AED is administered, the bill requires that the AED be administered by a medical professional, coach, or other person designated by the youth sports organization, who holds an AED certification and complies with federal and state law qualifications. A youth sports organization is defined as an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competition training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate.

AB 1653 – (Sanchez) Interscholastic Athletic Programs: Emergency Action Plans: Heat Illness: Guidelines

This bill would require the written emergency action plan for a school district or charter school electing to offer any interscholastic athletic program, to include the location and procedures to be followed in the event of heat illness related to the athletic program's activities or events. The California Interscholastic Federation ("CIF"), in consultation with the California State Department of Education, no later than July 1, 2024, is to develop guidelines, procedures, and safety standards for the prevention and management of exertional heat illness. This bill would incorporate additional changes proposed by AB 245. 

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