John Stephens, President, Property & Casualty, has been in the insurance and risk management industry for more than 20 years. John began his career with Arthur J. Gallagher & Co, the third-largest insurance broker in the U.S. as part of their National College Internship Program and joined Keenan in 1998.
John oversees the Property & Casualty distribution and leads the corporate design and marketing of Keenan’s proprietary Property & Casualty programs working with the global reinsurance marketplace. Additionally, John has hosted several risk management symposiums and has been a featured speaker for several public agency organizations, including:
- California Association of Joint Powers Authorities (CAJPA)
- California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation (CCWC)
- California School Board Association (CSBA)
- Community College Internal Auditors (CCIA)
- California Association for School Business Officials (CASBO)
John has both Fire & Casualty as well as Life & Health licenses in the State of California. John graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from California Lutheran University.