Keenan has been a pioneer in facilitating, supporting, and growing public agency insurance pools. We have been working with joint powers authorities (JPAs) and insurance pools since the 1970s. Since that time, we have helped to create more than 100 JPAs, and we are currently providing management services to more than 65 JPAs and pooled insurance groups. Our industry-leading service includes:
- Meeting Facilitation and Management
- Brown Act Compliance
- Financial / Accounting Services
- Legislative and Regulatory Compliance Support
- Loss Control Services
- Exposure Data Management
- Cost Allocation
- Claims Review
- Contract Review
- Certificate of Insurance Issuance
Benefits of a Public Agency Insurance Pool
An insurance pool allows for multiple public entities to group their needs together in order to create a larger group. The advantages of this are numerous, including:
- Cost stability: by creating economies of scale, pool members can often purchase coverage at lower rates, while obtaining broader coverage. Additionally, as Keenan manages a significant number of pooled solutions, our expert teams can assist with negotiating with even more leverage for your pool.
- Customization: Keenan’s pool management is reactive to your pools’ unique needs. We can facilitate loss control, financial options, and claims management procedures that specifically address the requirements that your members need.
- Flexibility: Pools have the ability to set deductibles that are appropriate for their members, establish self-insured retention levels that work with your budget restraints, and that can include special coverages (e.g., ancillary groups for members, etc.) designed specifically for your pool needs. Keenan’s experience and expertise in pools have afforded us the opportunity to work with hundreds of different pool options and solutions.
- Control: Keenan assists our pool clients with establishing a management structure that allows for consensus-building between members. More importantly, we have the tools to take your pool leadership through the strategic planning process to ensure that your pool is being proactive not just to today’s needs but toward the long-term stability of your pool.
With our JPA experience, we are able to provide innovative, forward-thinking solutions to your insurance pool that will provide real, measurable results. From complete in-house staffing models to partial management options augmented with other outsourced administrators, we have the expertise you need for both short-term and long-term stability.