Workplace Violence
SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Understanding the Roadmap of Identifying and Controlling Sources of Violence

Imagine SB 553 as your destination and your Workplace Violence Plan as your trusty mode of transportation. You've got the vehicle; now, you need the right directions to navigate this critical...

Group Health Plans and a “Return to Normal” – The End of the Public Health Emergency

The Biden Administration has announced that the National Emergency and the Public Health Emergency related to COVID-19 will end effective May 11, 2023. Keenan’s Amy Donovan Esq., Vice President of...

Mental Health in the Workplace: Supporting Your Employees' Mental Wellbeing

For Mental Health Awareness month in May, AssuredPartners partnered with Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Flo Health, and Talkspace to have a candid conversation on Mental Health in the...

Keenan's Mental Health Webinar Series

The impact of COVID-19 on K-12 school personnel and students has compounded during the past two years. Keenan is hosting a free three-part webinar with Dr. Scott Poland to address some of the mental...

Active Assailant Risk Management Roundtable | Keenan

In response to the recent events, we invite you to view our roundtable and panel discussion webinar, where we discuss: The Return of School Shootings State of Student Mental Health The...

Chemical Safety Amid COVID-19

During the global pandemic, we’ve seen an alarming trend of public entities and healthcare procuring a significant quantity of COVID-19 related chemicals (hand sanitizers, foggers, and...

ARPA COBRA Subsidy - April and May Actions to Comply

A panel of experts from AssuredPartners tackles the ever-growing list of questions regarding the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and the COBRA subsidy provisions. The webinar...

Perform a Title IX Self-Audit Before the Auditors Come!

Title IX, the federal law that makes it illegal to discriminate against a person on the basis of sex in any federally funded activity, has been in the news a lot. Some California counties are...

Protecting Students During the Pandemic | Keenan

Educators have always been at the front lines of detecting and reporting child abuse. Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, cases of child abuse have risen significantly while reports have dropped,...

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